Friday, December 25, 2009


Dear readers!

If you don't know the way towards enlightenment! So there is very possibility of losing the way of going astray.

Just by chance a few people have stumbled upon enlightenment. It was just by accident, because millions of people have been trying and finding nothing.

There are not aware that their search is making them too tense; their very effort is creating a state in which enlightenment cannot happen.

"Enlightenment can happen when you are so silent, so relaxed. That you are almost not. Just a pure silence and immediately the explosion, the explosion of your luminous soul."

Please remember!

The people who have been very arduous simply destroyed their intelligence, or the body, and I don't think they attained to enlightenment. The very few people who attained to enlightenment have attained in a relaxed state... because relaxation is the very soil in which the roses of enlightenment grow.

If you want to know the recipe of enlightenment, if you want it to day.., you can get enlightened today! But please be at ease, relaxed, with no effort, because...

"Enlightenment Is Your Innermost Being".

Just because you are so much engaged in effort, in seeking, in searching, doing this, doing that, you never reach to your own self. In relaxing and at ease you are not going anywhere, you are not doing anything and the grass starts growing by itself.

All that is needed is alertness, intelligence,consciousness. Which are no efforts; witnessing, watching, which are not tensions. They are very joyful experience. You don't get tired of them, get very calm and quiet.

I say unto you - all efforts of enlightenment are stupid. Because; 'enlightenment' is your nature! It is just you don't know. Otherwise you are enlightenment already. As far as I am concerned you are all enlightenment, because I can see your luminous flame within. When I see you, I don't see your figure, I see your being, which is just a beautiful flame, such as my good friend Michael Yap, Wong Tee Liang and others.

Enlightened person could look as deep into himself as he could into everyone. Everybody needs to realize its own nature, without that life is not a joy.., not a festivity.

Just be a little intelligent, and enlightenment will happen on its own accord; you don't have to think about it.
Just be a little intelligent. The world is not intelligent, it is functioning in a very unintelligent way and is creating all kinds of miseries for everyone rather than helping them to be happier.

Everybody is pulling on each others' leg, dragging them into deeper darkness, into deeper mud, into deeper trouble. It seems in this world everybody enjoys only one thing; creating misery for others. That's why such a cloud of darkness surrounds the earth. Otherwise there would have been a continuous festival of lights, remember!
Not ordinary lights, but lights of your very being.

My friends, bear in mind! Enlightenment is the easiest thing in the world. But there a people out there never wanted the whole world to become enlightened - they have to be kept blind to their own nature. They just give you the idea that it is a very difficult, impossible task, and your ego become immediately interested. The ego is never interested in that which you are. It is only interested in a far away goal - the farther the goal, the greater the interest, please remember!

"But enlightenment is not a goal and it is
not even an inch away from you, because the seeker is the sought".

Once you understand that your very nature is enlightenment you are intelligent, if you cannot understand, you are not intelligent, you are simply an egoist who is trying - just as some egoists are trying to be the richest man, a few other egoists are trying to be the most powerful, a few egoists are trying to become enlightened.

But enlightenment is not possible for the ego: Richest are possible, power is possible, prestige is possible and they are difficult things.., very difficult.

"You Are Born Enlightened Whether You Realize
It or Not!"

If you all become enlightened, you will be simply light, a joy to yourself and to others, a blessing to yourself and to the whole existence. Nobody can exploit you, nobody can in any way enslave you. If you want freedom, enlightenment is the only freedom. If you want individuality, enlightenment is the individuality. If you want life full of blessing, enlightenment is the only experience.

And it is very easy... Utterly easy; it's the one thing you don't have to do anything to get, because it is your very nature... It is your own being. It is not to be thought about.., it has to be seen.

It is already there: You don't have to go anywhere to find it. But unoccupied space is needed within you so that the light that is hidden can expand and fill your being. It is not only fills your being, it starts radiating from your being. Your whole life becomes a beauty, a beauty that is not of the body, but a beauty that radiates from within, the beauty of your consciousness... Please remember it comes when it finds you are really at ease, no tension, no effort and immediately it showers on you like thousands of flowers.

Enlightenment is the topic that you have to step out of the world of time and mind, its ambitions and competitiveness. And you must go through a deep cleansing process before you can hope to achieve, relaxed state of enlightenment.

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